Tools used in turbine assembly and

2021-12-08 08:51:09 By : Mr. Jacky Chan

Posted by: pankaj@bansal December 7, 2021 in PR

Wind energy is quickly gaining a reputation as an alternative energy source. With the emergence of many wind power plants, many people now use wind power as a cost-effective energy source. Wind power generation uses wind turbines, which use different blades to generate electricity and convert the kinetic energy of the wind into a usable form. This can be done in a wind farm or offshore setting, and the turbine components involve the use of different tools.

Offshore Wind Energy Vs. Land wind

Offshore wind energy is a kind of renewable energy produced by wind on the sea and other bodies of water. When the wind reaches a constant speed because there are no obstacles, it uses turbines to take advantage of waves, tides and currents. To achieve this goal, IQIP technicians used the latest technological innovations to install giant structures on the seabed.

The main advantage of offshore wind energy is that it is unlimited, does not pollute the environment, and provides more wind resources than onshore wind energy. Similarly, onshore wind energy uses turbines located on land and uses wind to generate electricity.

Onshore wind farms are located where there is wind, and the wind turns the blades of the turbines. Turbines convert wind energy into mechanical energy, and then use generators to convert it into electrical energy. The advantage of onshore wind power is that it leaves a relatively small carbon footprint. Similarly, compared to offshore wind power, turbines are easier to install and use less advanced equipment.

What are the standard tools and equipment used in the installation and maintenance of steam turbines?

The hydraulic torque wrench is a convenient device in the assembly process of offshore wind turbines. They have a calibration function to measure the force used to tighten and achieve the required tightness or loosen bolts. They come in different types, and square drives are very common. These are suitable for hex sockets or thin sockets. The low profile is suitable for low clearance applications, for example, when bolts are close to each other.

Bolt tensioners work like torque wrenches; they clamp nuts and bolts together to secure loose joints. They stretch the bolts to the flange, and the tension will produce a more accurate load on the larger bolts.

How does the tensioner work? It clamps tightly on the bolt thread and exerts pressure on the surface to be connected by the bolt. This pair of bolts applies a consistent amount of tension to ensure the correct clamping force.

Hydraulic torque wrenches and bolt tensioners use hydraulic pumps to drive them. Battery-powered pump models are common; they are very portable and suitable for tight spaces. You can get pumps in cordless, electric and pneumatic models.

During the installation and maintenance of the steam turbine, some nuts may be stubborn and difficult to loosen. You need a nut separator to remove them. Common nut splitters are hydraulic models; they are safer and can avoid costly damage to other components.

Different advanced tools and equipment are used for turbine installation and maintenance. Whether installing onshore wind power or offshore wind power, you should hire a well-known company with the right tools and expertise to complete the job. This ensures the success of the project, saves time and avoids damage to the turbine.

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